Support Topic: Using Cadence

How do I backup/export and import my activities?

There’s a few ways your activities can get backed up and imported. Note: Cadence can only import activities that were originally created by Cadence at this time. From the bottom of the main History screen, you can export all your activities as a .zip archive. To import, simply select the .zip archive file that was created […]

How are calories estimated?

For iPhone, Android, or “With iPhone” Apple Watch Based Workouts If you have a power meter Cadence uses that as it’s by far the most accurate way to estimate calorie burn. Otherwise, Cadence uses MET values with adjustments made for grade. Cadence doesn’t currently calculate based on heart rate because testing has shown it to be wildly […]

Why is my running cadence lower than other apps?

Cadence counts running cadence like cycling cadence, so one foot is one revolution, rather than each foot individually. That’s how devices like Garmin and Polar do it, but apps like Apple Workouts and Runkeeper count each foot individually, which would be double what Cadence shows.

How do I customize the data that shows up on the Computer screen?

Go to Settings > Screen Layouts. Tap the Screen you’d like to customize, or add a new one. On the Screen you’re customizing: Tap “Add” next to a row to add another row above or below it. Tap “Remove” to remove the row. Tap “Size” to change the height of the row. You can have […]

Strava isn’t connecting, how do I authorize Strava so I can sync my activites?

If the Strava App opens during authorization If you have the Strava app on your phone and it opens when trying to authorize Cadence, please remove the Strava app and try again. Doing so will force authorization to happen on Strava’s website instead, which should work correctly. After you’ve authorized Cadence, you can reinstall the […]

My Android phone (Samsung, OnePlu, Xiaomi, Huawei, etc) didn’t record my activity correctly when it was in the background or GPS was inaccurate. What do I do?

Lots of Android phones have special settings for allowing background processing to happen. If Cadence isn’t recording correctly when it’s in the background, please follow the steps on the website You can also follow these steps generally: If you still have issues, you can instead keep Cadence in the foreground by turning the “Keep screen […]

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