Support & Frequently Asked Questions

How do I customize my Apple Watch or ActiveLook screen layouts?

  1. Go to Settings > Screen Layouts.
  2. Tap the screen type you’d like to edit.
  3. Tap the screen you’d like to customize, or add a new one.
  4. On the Screen you’re customizing:
    • Tap the Plus button next to a row to add another row above or below it. You can choose whether to copy the metrics from the row.
    • Tap the Minus button to remove the row.
    • Tap the Up and Down Arrows to change the height of the row. You can have a maximum of 6 rows on Apple Watch and 4 rows on ActiveLook.
    • Tap the Column button to switch between one or two columns.
    • Tap the Sort button at the top-left to reorder rows or swap columns.
    • Tap on the Metric Name (e.g. “Speed: Current”) to change the metric shown.
    • You can choose to show a Zone Bar at the top of the screen, either Heart Rate Zone or Power Zone. The Zone Bar takes up 1 row of space.
    • On Apple Watch you can choose a Screen Color Theme for the screen.
  5. You can duplicate a screen, edit its name, or delete it by tapping the (…) button at the top-right.
  6. You can also reorder screens by tapping the Sort button on the Layouts screen.

Check out How do I customize the metric data that shows up on the Computer screen? for a video showing the editing process.

Apple Watch Screen Customization
Example ActiveLook Screen

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