Support & Frequently Asked Questions

Strava isn’t connecting, how do I authorize Strava so I can sync my activites?

If the Strava App opens during authorization

If you have the Strava app on your phone and it opens when trying to authorize Cadence, please remove the Strava app and try again. Doing so will force authorization to happen on Strava’s website instead, which should work correctly. After you’ve authorized Cadence, you can reinstall the Strava app.

If Strava uploads fail after authorizing

Sometimes things can just get out of sync between Strava and Cadence. The following steps will reset the connection:

  1. Go to and revoke access from Cadence.
  2. In Cadence, On the Settings > Strava screen, tap Disconnect if you’re already authorized.
  3. Restart your phone (this helps clear any existing authorization caches)
  4. In Cadence, tap the Connect with Strava button.
  5. Sign in to Strava if required.
  6. On the permissions screen, tap the “settings” link at the very bottom. This will take you to your Strava dashboard.
  7. Tap your avatar at top-right of the screen and log out of Strava.
  8. Close the Strava website.
  9. Tap Connect with Strava button again in Cadence.
  10. Sign in to Strava.
  11. Allow all permissions.
  12. Try uploading an activity to Strava.

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