Support & Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between routes and turn by turn navigation?


Routes are a feature of Cadence Pro.

You can save your existing activities or import .gpx files as routes in Cadence.

Those routes show up on the map as a line to follow when you record an activity.

When you import a .gpx file into Cadence it doesn’t include turn by turn navigation data, that has to be added afterwards as described in the Turn by Turn Navigation section below.

Screenshot of Cadence showing a route
Route showing on the map

Turn by Turn Navigation

Turn by turn navigation is routes with added navigation data and are a feature of Cadence Elite.

You can create custom routes from scratch or add turn by turn navigation to existing routes.

They show up on the map as a standard route, but there’s also a Turn by Turn Navigation data field you can add to your computer screens.

The Turn by Turn Navigation map provides directions, voice navigation, arrival estimates, cue sheets, and more during your activity.

See “How do I use the turn by turn navigation feature?” for instructions on using turn by turn navigation.

If you’re having trouble with navigation on a specific route, see “What do I do if I have issues with turn by turn navigation not following the route I want?

Screenshot of Cadence showing Turn by Turn Navigation
Turn by Turn Navigation screen

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